
wisdom in the most unlikely places

Father Rolo

I am a Roman Catholic priest and pastor from Virginia (USA) ordained in 1992, fourth child in a family of seven children, the ultimate middle (third from right). I share my thoughts (unless I credit someone else), some from homilies I’ve given (mostly so I don’t forget myself), some from the wisdom of friends and sometimes strangers, the musings of people smarter than myself, authors I’ve read, song lyrics that catch my attention, even graffitti on sidewalks and abandoned buildings … really anything that God chooses to use to speak his wisdom, even a can of green beans.

30 thoughts on “Father Rolo

  1. Father Rolo!! It has been too long since I have seen you, 13 years in about a month to be exact. 🙂 I am very glad that I came across your site today and that I will be able to listen to your insightfulness and messages once again. I am so thankful that you were the priest I grew up listening to and learning from. You taught me many valuable lessons about compassion and sharing God’s love with others. I miss all of the traditions you built while at Francis of Assisi. Thank you! God bless


    1. Hi Heather! I’m glad you “found” me. I hope you and Jonathan are doing well. I really have not kept up with you all since Rocky Mount. Where is everybody now? Tell your parents hello for me. One of these days our paths might cross again. God bless.


  2. The only thing better than reading your homilies is being present when they are delivered. Enjoyed Mass so much yesterday, listening to this homily. Looking forward to hearing them in the new venue someday.

    Orban and Denise Gregory


  3. Greetings Fr. Rolo … I am new to the area, presently living in Rockingham. I moved here 15 months ago from Frederick, MD. I am a Western Orthodox, and the closest one down this way is in Warrenton. I have visited several Eastern Orthodox churches in the area, but unlike the Western, they are very ethnic, and while our beliefs are the same, the service is very different. I know that in the 1500’s the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox split (schism), over several differences in their belief systems. I have tried going back to an Evangelical Church, which I was in for 25 years, but it just is not me anymore. A friend from MD told me she felt I would be more comfortable in a Catholic Church. My former Priest also told me that as an Orthodox I am allowed to partake of the Eucharist ….. I assume he is right, but I wanted to be sure. Can you offer me any words of wisdom or encouragement. Church has always been the focal point of my life since 1968, and not going is very discouraging and depressing. Thank you so much for reading this.
    In Christ,


    1. Hello Barbara,
      Please feel free to join us whenever you are able. I realize you have spoken to your priest in MD, and he has no objections to your joining us. We won’t be digging into people’s histories or reasons why they join us … that is up to you to share when you choose. I would suggest you don’t do that just randomly. When you want, let me know and we can sit down and talk … when you decide. I hope you can feel at home with us.
      Fr. Rolo


    2. Thank you so much Father for your reply. I will call and set up an appointment to meet with you. God bless you.


  4. Fr. Rolo, I just came across your blog today and was intrigued by your visit to Cinque Terre. I have been wanting to see that part of Italy and after reading your journal and looking at your photos, I am more inclined to go there very soon. BTW, are you from the Philppines? And where are you located? I live in New York and go to Sunday Mass at St. Ignatius of Loyola, and my favorite preacher is your friend, Fr. Dennis Yesalonia. Looking forward to hearing from you.


    1. Hello Jess,
      Thanks for your kind note. I did enjoy my trip to Cinque Terre, along with a couple of priests from the North American in Rome. We were there in February and the weather was very mild. I suspect it is easier a journey in warmer weather. The humidity however will always be high.
      I live in Waynesboro VA, in the Shenandoah Valley. I’m at St. John the Evangelist. I was in NYC last fall for my cousin’s wedding. But my family is mostly in VA, CA, and Washington state.
      I grew up in the Philippines, Quezon City, joined the Salesians (SDB), was ordained a priest in NY, and joined the Diocese of Richmond.
      Tell Fr. Dennis hello for me. I didn’t know where he settled after his world tour.
      Fr. Rolo


  5. It is wonderful to know that even when I am traveling, I can still have a close connection to our home parish by reading your homily.


  6. I am the artist that took the picture of two of my friends walking on railroad tracks. My work appears on your web site. I would greatly appreciate it if you would give me credit for my photograph. Thank you.
    Shannon Rose O’Shea


    1. Hello Elda. I received your message multiple times. I need you to let me know when you will be in town so I can check with my schedule. I will just not be able to meet with you when you show up at the office. Fr. Rolo


    1. Hello Mary Jo,
      Matt Matera is coordinator. We will be conducting a ministry drive in the coming weeks to help cover the new Sunday schedule. We will need all the help we can get. Thank you in advance.


    2. That would be Matt Matera. We will be asking parishioners at masses in the coming weeks to consider getting involved. But you can contact him any time if you want.


    3. Sorry. I must have told myself I would answer soon, then completely forgot! Talk to Matt Matera. We are in the midst of training new ministers at the moment. So it’s not too late yet.


  7. Hi Father Rolo,
    All my life this scripture Matthew 25:14-30 always scared me as I did not understand.
    When I heard your homily on it this past church service I finally came to understand it.
    All your homilies that I have heard have been so impacting also inspiring.
    I really appreciate coming to church and just listening all on account of the style you chose.
    Thank you so much Father Rolo.


  8. I always enjoy your homilies. We have just returned from SSI,GA. and I missed the personal touch that you have. It is comforting to have a priest that is human.
    Mary Jo


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